"We reduced our labor expense 18 percent and that reduction is directly attributable to our use of SeaTouch. This system is fast.”
Atillio Cerqueira, Owner
Mayport C&C Fisheries
Jacksonville, Florida

The General Ledger is the heart of any business accounting system. For this reason, the SeaTouch General Ledger was designed by CPA’s. It includes all the standard features required by CPA’s but it goes much further. It also includes a Financial Report Writer to provide power, flexibility, unparalleled fiscal control, including built in monthly, quarterly, and yearly comparisons of actual and actual to budget data.
Single Or Multi-Company
The SeaTouch General Ledger was designed from the beginning for both single and multi-company use. It provides departmental, company-wide, and multi-company consolidated financial reporting. It supports a user defined fiscal calendar and you may specify 12 or 13 fiscal periods per year with any ending dates you desire.
No Period Close
An important feature of the SeaTouch General Ledger is that of never closing a year or period. Instead, you change a ‘valid current date’ window to set a valid date range for the system. By employing this method, adjustments can be made to a prior period or year and the balances automatically rolled forward yet you can restrict access as you desire.
Financial Report Writer
The SeaTouch General Ledger comes with a flexible, powerful Financial Report Writer. You can define financial reports in any format, even produce consolidated financial statements. The Financial Report Writer can store thousands of user defined report specifications. No programming is required. Most of our competition only offers you a standard income statement and balance sheet. This is simply not enough. Using SeaTouch, you can have someone in your accounting department design your financial reports instead of paying a programmer to do it. The report copy facility allows you to take existing reports and use them as templates for new ones. Built in to the SeaTouch Financial Report Writer is budget analysis, row percents, and summary and detail level reporting. Have it automatically create period, quarterly, or yearly comparisons.
Full-Featured Financial Report Writer
User defined G/L code with up to 12 digits
User defined G/L code segments
Choose to run departmentally or non departmentally
User defined fiscal calendar handles 12 or 13 fiscal periods with any ending dates
No requirement for ‘period closing’ – all data available for prior years and periods
Monthly account activity totals maintained for current and prior years
Year end forward balance update permits adjustments to prior years and periods with balances to all subsequent years and periods updated either when you choose or automatically
Unlimited storage of G/L detail transactions
G/L Account Inquiries display summary totals and itemized detail for any account during selected fiscal period including yearly and monthly totals at a glance
Drill down to source documents.
Handles Reversing entries (accruals) automatically
Handles Recurring Journal Entries
Daily activity audit trail reports
Full budgeting capabilities with variances

Your accounting personnel can create custom financial reports – no programmer needed
Actual to Budget Comparisons
Easily define multi-period comparisons – monthly, quarterly, yearly
Column and row comparisons and totals
Automatically generate row percents and variances
Copy existing reports to use as report templates during new report design
Run all Financial Reports on demand
Batch run all reports together to speed up end of month or year
Multi-company consolidated financial statements